
Quick Start

First, lets create our project with embedded module

from wutu import Wutu
app = Wutu(index="index.html")

def greetings_module():
    hellos = ["Hello", "Hola", "Labas"]
    return {
        "get": lambda req: [{"text": hello} for hello in hellos],
        "get_entity_name": lambda req: "greeting"
    }"localhost", port=5555)

This app creates AngularJS controller (GreetingsModuleController) and service (GreetingsModuleService).

By defining key get in result dictionary, we say, that HTTP GET should go to this method (similar behavior goes with POST, PUT and DELETE methods). get_entity_name is optional, by defining it we say what is module entity (in this case - greeting), so module can automatically create methods like:

  • get_greeting
  • create_greeting
  • update_greeting
  • delete_greeting

and variable greeting_list which is our greeting model. It can be named in the way you like, just be aware of silly method names

Now, create our html page. It may wary, but vital parts should be covered.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="wutu">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/wutu.js"></script>
    <div ng-controller="GreetingsModuleController">
        <span ng-repeat="greeting in greeting_list">
            {{ greeting.text }}
Vital parts are:
  • including angularJS script
  • including /wutu.js script
And required by AngularJS:
  • ng-app notation on html tag
  • bind required controller

Adding AngularJS Plugins

First of all, you must include plugin’s JavaScript into your main html file. Same goes with AngularJS, same goes here.


<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

This would include your plugin.

Second step is to tell app constructor, that you will use certain plugin. In ngCookies case it would go like this

from wutu import Wutu
app = Wutu(index="index.html", ngmodules=["ngCookies"])

Very similar to AngularJS module constructor

Static Files

There is no static file hosting by design. Same position goes with other popular frameworks: Flask, Django etc. The reason is very simple - there are tools in the market which are already perfect for that, and there is no reason to drop whole project performance because of those files. It is still possible to do hackish solution and make them work , but such solution is only viable in development environment.

Our recommendation would be Nginx static file hosting: